The Different Types of Speed Bump
In the United States, there are a number of different types of speed bumps. The most commonly used speed hump is the vertical deflection humps. They are used on state and local roads for a variety of reasons, including calming traffic and preventing drivers from going too fast. The owners of speed hump sites are responsible for damages to vehicles. However, the benefits of installing these devices are far greater than their drawbacks. The oldest, most extreme type of speed bump is called a Speed Bump. This type of humps is typically foot-wide and three to four inches high. While the design is still common, traveling over a Speed Bump can damage the suspension system. Today, however, these humps are rare and are replaced by Humps, which combine a gentler curve and wider construction. This variation of speed bumps has replaced the Speed Bump as a standard road type, although it still performs the same primary function. The first type of speed bump is known as a Speed Bump. It is one of ...